Alan and I drove to Knoxville on the busiest traffic day of the year: the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. The drive was awful due to yucky rain, but the weather could not dampen our excitement of going home for the holiday weekend!
Thanksgiving Day morning was cold but clear, and Alan participated in the Turkey Creek Hot to Trot 5K. I didn't run with him this time because he ran for time and he is quite a bit faster than me!
That afternoon, we went to Mimi's (Alan's grandmother) house for the traditional big lunch with all of the family. It was so much fun seeing all the aunts, uncles, and cousins! The food was delicious! I even participated by bringing a dessert that is traditional to St. Louis...ooey gooey butter cake!
On Friday, we went to my parents' house to celebrate Thanksgiving with all of my family. We got there right as Christa and Annie came back from shopping all of the doorbusters. It was relaxing to just spend the day cooking, hanging out, and greeting everyone as they arrived throughout the day. We had a big dinner that night with all of my favorites...especially mom's stuffing! Yum!
Saturday, we went to the UT game! I was so excited to make it to Neyland Stadium this season! We saw several friends tailgaiting before the game which was fun and the Vols brought home a win which will mean a Bowl game too, so that was all very exciting. Later on that night we went to Barley's to hang out with some more friends.
We went to Christ Covenant on Sunday to light the advent candle with Alan's parents and Katie which was special. Before leaving to go home, we went to my parents' house for lunch to celebrate Maggie's birthday. It was so much fun being home, but with everything that we did the weekend went by so quickly. Regardless, God is so good, and we have so much to be thankful for!