"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." James 1:17
Merry Christmas!
We began Christmas day at my parents' house with the whole family: mom & dad...us
We started out with a delicious breakfast and then headed into the living room for stockings and presents. It was so much fun to enjoy the morning with everyone and see the thoughtfulness and time put into all the gifts.
Next, we headed to Alan's parents' house for Christmas brunch and stockings and presents with his family. Most of our (mine & Alan's) Christmas stuff is still packed away in boxes but I did manage to find our stockings which we filled up for each other this year :)
We had such a good time with his family laughing and admiring all the fun presents. Our afternoon got even better when we decided to play a game, Imagine If, that Alan got for his parents, it was hilarious! We are so happy to be back in Knoxville celebrating Christmas with our sweet (and crazy) families, but most importantly, so thankful that Jesus is the reason for this season and the most precious gift of all!
Heather, McNeill, Tinsley, and Brittany