Sunday, July 29, 2012

5 Years

Wow! Where has the time gone? Yesterday, Alan and I had our 5 year anniversary! We celebrated all weekend long starting out on Friday night with our traditional anniversary dinner at...
 We got the "Big Night Out" dinner for two and it was perfect!
Saturday (our actual anniversary) we enjoyed a relaxing day together.  We slept in (yes 8 o'clock is sleeping in for us) ate breakfast and went to the farmer's market.  We did a little shopping and then ate lunch at Chick-fil-A (all I will say on this blog is that we will continue to support this company) and then spent the afternoon watching the Olympics. Go Team USA! We dropped by a baby shower for Kristy & Jay who are having a precious little girl in September and then went to...
which will "officially" open in Bearden on Monday! Our sweet friend, Jean, works in marketing there and invited us to the grand opening shindig.  It was packed! We had a great time and bumped into a few friends while we were there :)
On a more sentimental note: I am so blessed.  The past 5 years have flown by and we have had a blast. Sure- let's be honest, there have been some tough times, hard decisions to make, and a few big fights, but there have also been times where I have never in my life felt more loved and times when loving someone else has brought me more joy than I ever thought possible.  So may the next 50+ years be just as special as these first sweet years and bring us even closer to each other and to our Lord. Cheers!
We have been surrounded by family and friends from the beginning
 My favorite day...without a doubt!
2008: Knoxville half-marathon
2009: Europe Trip
 Spring 2010: Alan graduates from UT law school...
 ...and passes the Bar Exam!
 Fall: 2010 We move to St. Louis
 2011: We move back to Knoxville
Spring 2012: Colorado Ski Trip
Where will the Lord take us next?! I can't wait to find out!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Living Well

Last weekend Alan and I went to our favorite Bearden restaurant Echo with Elizabeth & Patrick and Maggie & Ben.  E&P came in town to celebrate Annie's birthday with the family so we decided to all go out and use some gift certificates that my parents gave us all for Christmas.  We are terrible about remembering to use gift certificates but this was one we were very excited about using.  I.T. W.A.S. F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C.
We had a fabulous night with great company and delicious food!
It was wonderful getting together since we are all so busy and that can be a bit of a challenge at times :)
Saturday night we went over to my parents for Annie's birthday festivities.  I cannot believe she turned 13 this year, she is growing up so fast!  The only ones who weren't able to be there were Rachel & Colin but we know they were there in spirit.  All said, fun-filled weekend with the fam!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

What a Week!

I feel like so much has happened this past week! The 4th of July was on Wednesday so Alan and I began the day at the Farragut Parade.  We had a good time socializing with neighbors and friends, watching the cars/floats that passed by, and getting the freebies that are handed out each year.  I'm pretty sure Alan got several "free chicken sandwich" coupons from Chick-Fil-A :)  After the parade, we crashed Lauren and Tony's pool since they are out of town with Becky and Mike.  It was great to chat with them as they prepare for Anderson. We made plans to go to Foothills (one of my all-time faves) on Saturday night (which sadly never happened, read on...rain check!!!) 
After some pool time we went over to my parents' house and spent the remainder of the afternoon over there and then stayed for dinner.  My mom made these beautiful layered jello treats for dessert.  Don't you think these could be on Pinterest?! I think so :)
 my sweet family (minus a few...)
So, why didn't we go to Foothills on Saturday?! Because sweet Anderson Robert Staton made his debut on Thursday night around 7:45pm! Becky and Mike are in love and we are all oh so happy for them. He is precious and I cannot wait to see the sweet boy he becomes!
Lastly, Alan and I completed the weekend by going out to Melton Hill Lake to roller-blade. Yes it's true (don't judge) and yes that is why we drove 20 minutes away from Knoxville: because Alan didn't want to see a single person we might know, ha! I will say, I don't think I've roller-bladed since high middle-school but I admit it was pretty fun and the night could not have been better!
One last thing, 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Awaiting Anderson!

Our sweet friends, Becky and Mike, are expecting Anderson in just a few short weeks- so Saturday night we celebrated as we await Anderson's arrival.  Of course- Becky looks amazing at 38 weeks!
We had everyone fill out 'Wishes for Baby' cards for Anderson (and Becky & Mike!) which were sweet, thoughtful, and hilarious :)
 good friends
We had originally planned to have the shower outside, but due to the heat that was a no go, the guys were outside while grilling, but that was pretty much it. Despite it being 105º in Knoxville, we all managed to have a great time!
 Build your own Burger Bar
 Build your own Parfait Bar
 Love this couple who will be amazing parents!
 Anderson got some great things :)
Since I know nothing about babies quite yet (can I claim that since I don't have one of my own yet?) I decided to give Becky and Mike something I FOR SURE knew they would use... diapers for Anderson and champagne for the parents... ha!
 Lauren had a fantastic idea and gave Anderson all of her son, Robert's, favorite things, so sweet

 We cannot wait to meet Anderson!