It's hard to believe a year ago Alan and I were making plans to move to Saint Louis. Having lived in Knoxville my whole life, I was excited about getting away for awhile, meeting new friends, and exploring a new city. We have had a blast! Now... our year here has come to an end and it's time to move back to Knoxville. We have so much to look forward to! New jobs for both of us, being close to our families, reuniting with friends, and planning to lay down some roots here.

Alan and I hit the jackpot when we found out that U.S. Cellular is going to handle our entire move. I work for the best company ever! I am flying home today, starting my new job tomorrow, movers will come Wednesday to pack up and transport all of our stuff, and Alan will finish his exams and fly home on Saturday. Needless to say, we have a busy week ahead of us!
blow a kiss to STL for me as you go. Hope you have a smooth move back!